What to Look for When Seeking Fibromyalgia Treatment
Fibromyalgia is in most cases called an invisible condition. There is no particular test to diagnose the illness, and it can be challenging for a medical practitioner who is new to the disease. It’s symptoms overlap with a lot of other diseases and therefore, is likely to be misdiagnosed. Nonetheless, don’t give up if your trip to several doctors has bored no fruits. A specialist is more likely to have the expertise to understand the issue as well as work out an appropriate treatment plan that will not only ease the symptoms but also ensure you feel better.
To start with, you want someone that will be committed to making you feel better and therefore takes you seriously. Your doctor needs to be sure of your discomfort, fatigue, thinking issues and be ready to try any plan to relieve them. Since your treatment may comprise more than one specialist, you will also want a professional that is well-versed in the intricate realm of fibromyalgia to administer it all from the medicines, physical therapy, sleep management, and nutrition as well as other areas Individuals with fibromyalgia usually have other problems too such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), headaches, and jaw pain. Your health care provider should know how to address these ailments, or work as a team with another doctor that can offer the right care.
You can seek treatment for fibro from your primary care doctor. While general internists or family doctors can offer fibromyalgia treatment, you ought to understand that not all are well-versed with the condition. But if your doctor is versed in the area and has treated other people with the ailment, they are likely to be the one to spearhead your treatment. You may also need the expertise of a pain medicine specialist or a rheumatologist.
You are probably asking, how do I get the proper fibromyalgia treatment? It would be a good idea to call your regular doctor and request a list of referrals. Your primary care provider is familiar with the medical industry more than friends, and it is likely that he or she has a few contacts he can refer you for the treatment. Or you can phone your health insurance firm and ask them to provide you with a few names of rheumatologists or pain medicine specialists in your network. Relatives and friends can also offer reliable referrals, especially if you know any person with a similar ailment.
Furthermore, you should ensure that the provider is trained and certified to handle fibromyalgia treatment. Fibromyalgia support societies such as the National Fibromyalgia and Chronic Pain Association can be useful when checking the qualification of a provider. Focus on a specialist with considerable experience in treating fibro as they are knowledgeable in the area as well as advancement and changes in treatment.