It is really crucial that you make sure that your wifi network in your house remains secured. There are few quick and easy to do steps which you’ll do to help make your wifi secure.
Open Router’s Settings Page-
Go on your web browser and type in “” in order to access it. From there, enter your proper account information in the designated boxes and press enter. You can find your account in your router’s user manual. Some routers in addition have their manual situated on Google.
Create a Unique Password-
Create a different, unique and personalized password for the router which no person can guess. Do not keep a generic or possibly a default password to your wifi router. Also, bear in mind to reprogram your password every quarter or so.
Change Network SSID Name-
Changing your NETWORK SSID name would help as it’ll help others are aware that it is not a default network, knowning that it might be secure. Don’t maintain your family names, numbers or home addresses because your SSID names.
Network Encryption-
This is a crucial task. There are a many encryptions around. In the newest routers, WPA2 is regarded as the secure one, and WEP the very least secure. Choose your encryption accordingly.
Filtering PC Mac Addresses
A Mac addresses is definitely an inbuilt address within your device’s networking equipment. It is comparable to an IP addresses, apart from it can’t be changed. For more protection, it’s fine to use Mac addresses of the your devices on your wifi network. To do that, find your devices’ Mac addresses. In PC, use command prompt and type “ipconfig /all”. You will see your Mac address contrary to the name ‘Physical Address’. In your phone, you will discover your Mac address under networking settings. Simply add these Mac addresses in your wifi router’s administrative settings. Now only they will be able to access your wifi.
Reducing your Wifi’s Range
The easiest way to perform that is usually to put the router in the spare room in a shoe box, in order to wrap foil around its antennas. Similarly, you may also change your wifi router’s mode to 802.11g rather than any other mode.
Upgrading Your Wifi’s Software
This is additionally important as with new updates, you additionally get new security updates for ones router. Check your current firmware version by going to “” and checking it from the administration setting or dashboard.
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